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how to make Google chrome app

How make your own Google Chrome app 

in just five steps that so easy out

1.Create a new text file using any text editor like notepad and save it as name.json type format (**name could be anything**).
"name": "Songgenx",
"description": "A Simple Web App To Download Songs With",
"version": "1.0",
"icons": {
"128": "128.png"
"app": {
"urls": [
"launch": {
"web_url": ""
"permissions": [
copy the above code in that file and save it.U can change site name and address of your site i have created  for ******
3.Now create a new folder u can name it any thing like my_app and past above .json file in it.
4.Now its time to create an icon for your site so make an image of size 128*128  and save it as 128.png and paste into that folder.
5.Now its time to check that your app is working or not open Google chrome  goto tools>extension now check the box named Developer mode and then click on "Load Unpacked Extension" and navigate it to the folder named my_app and click ok now if your app is right than it will show it on new tab.
6.Now for upload it click on Pack Extension it will  show a windows in that navigate your folder  in *Extension root directory:* and next box is optional so left it